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Immunity Supporter

Strengthen your immunity with vitamins and minerals, and our high strength Turmeric and Piperine supplement.

This vitamin pack has 28 daily pockets, with each pocket filled with the following supplements.

Immunity Supporter Vitamin Plan includes:

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£20.43 /28 days

No contract. Cancel your subscription anytime.

FREE Standard Delivery.

1 Free One-to-One Consultation with an expert.

You can purchase only one subscription plan at any given time. We have carefully built this vitamin plan to help support and assist your immune system. This plan contains a combination of tablets and capsules that contain high doses of specific nutrients. We do not recommend taking more than the allocated daily dose. This is why we allow for one vitamin plan subscription per purchase. You can trial multiple vitamin plans on a one-time purchase if you prefer. For a more personalised vitamin plan to cater for a holistic vitamin routine, we recommend taking our online health consultation to see what our experts suggestions are.


Supplements explained...

Vit D - Immunity

Vitamin D

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Vitamin D3 1000IU, 25µg
  • Plant sourced vegan vitamin D3

  • Most effective form of vitamin D supplement

  • Supports a healthy immune system

  • Contributes to the maintenance of strong bones and muscle function

Vitamin D is considered a hormone and is naturally present in very few foods. Our main source of it is produced in the body, underneath our skin as a reaction to sufficient sun exposure. As a result, deficiencies are common especially in the winter months when there is limited exposure to the natural sunlight, so supplements are highly recommended. Vitamin D has a number of important roles in the body; contributing to the maintenance of healthy bones, muscle function & immune system. Our vitamin D is from a plant based vegan source. Most other sources are vegetarian but not vegan as they are derived from lanolin, which is extracted from sheep’s wool.

  • Take 1-2 tablets daily, preferably with a meal.

  • Do not exceed recommended daily dose unless directed by your GP.

  • Keep out of sight and reach of children

  • Store in a cool, dry and dark place, out of direct sunlight.

  • This product should not be taken as a substitute to a varied diet or healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not use if blister seal is broken.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Bone Health

Contributes to the absorption and utilisation of phosphorous, and normal blood calcium levels. These two functions work together to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Immunity Support

There are various links between Vitamin D levels and a healthy immune system. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.

Energy Levels

It may enhance the activity of mitochondria (the powerhouse of our cells) which makes our muscles work more efficiently and boosts energy levels. Muscle fatigue is a common symptom of vitamin D deficiency.


When vitamin D levels decline, it can enhance the onset of depression. Studies have shown that people with symptoms of anxiety or depression had reduced levels of metabolised vitamin D in their bodies. It has also been found that vitamin D can increase serotonin levels in the brain which can improve mood.

Vitamin C

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Vitamin C 1000mg/ Rosehip 20mg/ Citrus Bioflavonoids 20mg
  • Supports a healthy immune system

  • Added bioflavonoids to increase absorption

  • Powerful trio of antioxidants

  • Promotes the formation of collagen

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is essential for many functions in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant that plays a big role in immunity, formation of collagen and prompting normal energy metabolism. It also increases the absorption of iron and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Our bodies cannot produce vitamin C and it cannot be stored because it is water soluble, so enough must be ingested in our diet every day to prevent deficiency. Some groups are more at risk of this deficiency such as the elderly and smokers. We have fortified our vitamin C capsules with two other antioxidants; rosehip and citrus bioflavonoids. Rosehip is a naturally rich in vitamin C, manganese and magnesium and may help increase joint mobility. Citrus bioflavonoids are added to support the immune system and enhance the absorption of vitamin C in the body.

  • Take 1 capsule daily, preferably with a meal.

    Do not exceed recommended daily dose unless directed by your GP.

  • Keep out of sight and reach of children

  • Store in a cool, dry and dark place, out of direct sunlight.

  • This product should not be taken as a substitute to a varied diet or healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not use if blister seal is broken.

Benefits of Vitamin C


Vitamin C boosts the immune system and is considered by some, as a natural antihistamine. It can be shown to damage the molecular structure of histamine which decreases the histamine level and therefore reduces inflammation and the reaction to the allergen.

Heart Health

Studies have shown a link between low vitamin C levels and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C may lower the threat of cardiovascular disease by reducing its risk factors. In a few human studies, vitamin C supplements have been found to lower blood pressure in both healthy adults and adults with existing high blood pressure. Other studies have found that it may reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol in the body.

Hair, Skin & Nails

Vitamin C contributes towards collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums and skin. The strong antioxidants in our tablets can protect cells from oxidative damage which can in turn aid the skin’s natural regeneration process.

Immunity Support

The combination of ingredients in our tablets supports the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration of colds and also the severity of symptoms such as sneezing and coughing. It can also help encourage the production of white blood cells, protecting the body from infection.

Vit C - Immuniy

Zinc & Selenium

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Zinc 15mg/ Selenium 200µg
  • Supports the immune system

  • Maintains healthy hair, skin, nails and vision

  • Powerful antioxidant properties

  • Contributes to the maintenance of metabolism and thyroid function

Zinc and selenium are key minerals with both having antioxidant properties that the body needs to function properly. They work together in a synergistic effect to enhance one another. Zinc is essential for all living creatures and plays a vital role in many bodily functions. This includes metabolism, cell division, DNA synthesis, fertility and reproduction. Selenium is a trace mineral that naturally occurs in soil, hence it can be found in any plant grown or animal grazed on selenite rich soil. It has several important properties in the body and plays a part in spermatogenesis (for male fertility), normal thyroid function and preventing oxidative stress within cells through its antioxidant action.

  • Take 1 tablet daily, preferably with a meal.

    Do not exceed recommended daily dose unless directed by your GP.

  • Keep out of sight and reach of children

  • Store in a cool, dry and dark place, out of direct sunlight.

  • This product should not be taken as a substitute to a varied diet or healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not use if blister seal is broken.

Benefits of Zinc & Selenium

Hair, Skin & Nails

Both of these minerals work together to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. Zinc plays an important role in hair growth and repair. A common symptom of zinc deficiency is hair loss. The outer layer of the skin has an abundance of zinc, this is why zinc can help skin heal after an injury. Selenium can help protect healthy skin against UV rays from harsh sunlight.

Immunity Support

Zinc has been studied for many years for its beneficial effects on the immune system and it is required for the growth of immune cells. A study has even found that zinc supplements reduced the duration and severity of flu symptoms more than Vitamin C. Selenium also has a role in maintaining the immune system by helping to produce glutathione peroxidases; these are enzymes required to boost different parts of the immune system.

Zinc - Immuniy

Turmeric & Piperine

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Curcuma Longa 95% Extract 500mg / Piper Nigrum 5mg
  • Our HERO supplement

  • 95% extract- 475mg curcuminoids per capsule

  • Optimum absorption and bioavailability

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Our Advanced Turmeric Hybrid capsule is considered to be our hero supplement and here’s why… Turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic remedies and is widely used today to support many conditions related to inflammation in the body. Our capsules contain the best quality curcumin, from a concentrated extract of the root of the Curcuma Longa plant. Curcumin is the key active compound in turmeric, however it is only found in low proportions in the turmeric root; around 3% curcumin by weight. This means that you would need to consume a large quantity of powder to reap the benefits of this herb. That’s where our turmeric capsule comes in; our extract contains at least 95% extracted curcuminoids, which provides a massive 475mg curcuminoids per capsule. This is far superior to most other leading supplement brands. Coupled with piperine, the major active component of our black pepper extract (which has 95% piperine), increases the absorption and bioavailability of curcumin by up to 2000%, which helps your body to utilise all of its many benefits. Curcumin is believed to be one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants and we believe this supplement will work wonders for your body and general wellbeing.

  • Take 1-2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal.

  • Do not exceed recommended daily dose unless directed by your GP.

  • Keep out of sight and reach of children

  • Store in a cool, dry and dark place, out of direct sunlight.

  • This product should not be taken as a substitute to a varied diet or healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not use if blister seal is broken.

Benefits of Turmeric & Piperine


Curcumin can impact the smooth running of many organs and is best known for its antioxidant properties, supporting the health of the liver, joints, bones and the digestive system. It has also been found to impact cardiovascular health, potentially through aiding the stimulation of normal blood flow. Studies suggest that curcumin may also benefit stress and mood.

Joint Support

Several studies have shown that curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses; this can help reduce joint stiffness, pain and swelling. Some studies have even shown that curcumin is as effective in relieving pain in arthritis sufferers as anti- inflammatory medicines. More importantly, curcumin treatment was found to be safe and did not cause any adverse events.

Turmric - Immunity

Immunity Supporter


£20.43 /28 days

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